Preparing for the future.

As part of our promise to provide the students here with an exceptionally well-developed A-G college preparatory program, we take meticulous care to make sure all students are ready for university life by the time they earn their diploma with us.

Our students apply and enroll in colleges and universities that reflect their individual interests, strengths, and backgrounds. Beyond our doors, they continue to excel as both artists and academics in their post-secondary education programs, with many returning alumni often pointing to the foundation they were able to build here surrounded by their peers, staff, and culture at The SAE.

Our graduates regularly attend the country's most recognized universities and arts conservatory programs, including:

  • Art Center College of Design
  • Berklee College of Music
  • Boston Conservatory
  • California Institute of the Arts
  • Columbia University
  • Marymount Manhattan
  • New York University
  • The New School
  • Otis College of Art & Design
  • The Theatre School at DePaul University
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of Southern California
  • And many, many more